
BitQuest spawns monsters for players to kill in order to level up and get bits.

Entities that are considered monsters include Blazes, Cave Spiders, Creepers, Elder Guardians, Endermen, Endermites, Evokers, Giants, Guardians, Husks, Pig Zombies, Silverfish, Skeletons, Spiders, Strays, Vexes, Vindicators, Witches, Withers, Wither Skeletons, Zombies, and Zombie Villagers.


Monsters spawn in the Overworld and The Nether. Although, monsters will not spawn on claimed land. To mitigate monster farms, monsters won’t be spawned by monster spawners either.

When a monster is spawned, it’s randomly given the absorption, damage resistance, fire resistance, increase damage, jump, regeneration, and speed potion effects.

They’re also randomly given armor items.

Monster Levels

The level of a spawned monster depends on the distance between the monster’s spawn location and the players’ spawn location.

In the overworld, monsters can be from level 1 to level 32 (inclusive). At the players’ spawn point, monsters can be from level 1 to 16. With each 128 blocks that a monster’s spawn point is away from the players’ spawn point, 1 level is added to the maximum potential level until it reaches level 32.

Similarly, in the nether, monsters can be from level 17 to level 64(inclusive). At the players’ nether spawn point, monsters can be from level 17 to 32. With each 128 blocks that a monster’s spawn point is away from the players’ nether spawn point, 1 level is added to the maximum potential level until it reaches level 64.

Keep in mind that when a monster’s level is higher, it’s harder to kill.

Killing Monsters for Loot

Monsters can be killed in any way that monsters can be killed in vanilla Minecraft. However, BitQuest only gives out loot or changes a player’s level when a monster is killed with a melee attack.

Each time a player kills a monster with a melee attack, there is a chance of getting loot. The amount of bits you get from a loot drop is a random amount from 1 to the killed monster’s level (inclusive). Keep in mind that reward bits are only given if there are enough funds in the loot wallet.

The loot wallet gets its funds from donations and claim land, so if it is empty, there is no-chance of receiving a reward.
