Every BitQuest wallet is a Cryptocurrency address.
You can see your balance checking the in-game HUD ur using the command /wallet
In the Bitcoin server, you can deposit BTC in the address shown when you join the server, and it will, after several minutes of processing, show the deposited Bitcoin in your balance. You can spend that money claiming land, or sending money to other players.
In BitQuest, Bitcoin is measured in Bits, that’s 1/1,000,000th of a Bitcoin (1BTC)
Usage: /transfer <amount> <address>
This command will transfer the specified amount from your wallet to the specified wallet address.
Note that transferring Bitcoin to a wallet that isn’t managed by BitQuest will result in a miner’s fee. Miner’s fees can vary, but they are typically a couple hundred bits. To keep players from abusing this command by transferring amounts that are too small, the minimum amount of bits a player can transfer to an external wallet is 2000 bits.
There are cases where fees are abnormally high and after fees, the account balance will be negative.
/transfer 10000 1BiWdDaHChaKTcNXWs3nxPRcxb6CHM5h2u
Usage: /send <amount> <player>
This command will transfer the specified amount from your wallet to the specified player’s wallet.
Using /send to transfer Bitcoin to another player allows BitQuest to manage the transaction locally. In this situation, there will be no miner’s fees, and you can send or receive any amount of Bitcoin.
/send 1 Xeyler
This command will display your Bitcoin Address, your balance and a link to your wallet on Blockcypher. Although, since player wallets are HD in order to avoid miner fees, the amount displayed by Blockcypher will not be accurate.